Organizing committee: |
Invited speakers: |
Yuri Pritykin Alexander Shen Michael Tsfasman Nikolai Vereshchagin |
Farid Ablayev Maxim Babenko Lev Beklemishev Harry Buhrman Andrew Goldberg Edward Hirsch Dmitry Itsykson Yury Lifshits |
Yury Makarychev Konstantin Pervyshev Vladimir Podolskii Alexander Razborov Jayalal Sarma Alexander Shen Alexander Vasiliev |
Booklet: pdf
Location: Independent University of Moscow (address: metro station Kropotkinskaya or Smolenskaya, 11 Bolshoi Vlasievskiy pereulok; the map is here), room 310.
August 29 | August 30 | August 31 | |
9:30–10:30 | Maxim Babenko | Lev Beklemishev | Lev Beklemishev |
10:30–11:00 | coffee break | coffee break | coffee break |
11:00–12:00 | Alexander Razborov | Alexander Razborov | Edward Hirsch |
12:00–13:00 | Harry Buhrman | Harry Buhrman | Harry Buhrman |
13:00–14:30 | lunch | lunch | lunch |
14:30–15:30 | Andrew Goldberg | Farid Ablayev | Yury Makarychev |
15:30–16:30 | Andrew Goldberg | Alexander Vasiliev | Yury Makarychev |
16:30–17:00 | coffee break | coffee break | coffee break |
17:00–18:00 | Yury Lifshits | Konstantin Pervyshev | Jayalal Sarma |
18:00–18:30 | Alexander Shen | Vladimir Podolskii | Dmitry Itsykson |
Classical Simulation Complexity
of Bounded Error Quantum Branching Programs
We present classical
simulation techniques for measure once quantum
branching programs.
For bounded error syntactic quantum branching program of width w
that computes a function with error δ we present a classical
deterministic branching program of the same length and width at most
(1 + 2/(1 – 2δ))2w that computes the same function.
Second technique is a classical stochastic simulation technique for
bounded error and unbounded error quantum branching programs. Our
result is that it is possible stochastically-classically simulate
quantum branching programs with the same length and almost the same
width, but we lost bounded error acceptance property.
Generalized Path Structures in Graphs
The notion of a path
plays a central role in graph theory. Two most
prominent and widely used of its flavors are undirected and directed
paths. Some combinatorial problems also employ the so-called "bidirected
graphs" and "bidirected paths" (which provide a common generalization to
directed and undirected ones).
Extending these ideas, one gets the general notion of a "fork
environment". Under certain assumptions, this framework incorporates all
of the above approaches while preserving good characterization and
linear-time testing for reachability.
Goedel Theorem
for Very Weak Systems
We shall present a beautiful extension,
due to P. Pudlak, of Goedel's
second incompleteness theorem to theories as weak as Robinson's
arithmetic Q.
We shall also discuss some recent counterexamples
to Goedel incompleteness due to D. Willard which sharpen the boundary
between goedelian and non-goedelian theories.
We will introduce the mathematical
framework of quantum mechanics and
show how it can be used to define a quantum computer. We
will then treat some of the known quantum algorithms including Shor's
factorization algorithm, entanglement and the Einstein-Podolsky-Rozen
quantum communication complexity, and quantum cryptography. If time
permits we will mention some of the recent developments.
Point to Point Shortest Paths
with Preprocessing
We study the point to point shortest path problem where one can preprocess the data and then answer queries quickly. This
is a fundamental problem with many applications, including that of computing driving directions. We described two main
techniques, A* search with landmark-based lower bounds and reach-based pruning, which are very effective in improving
efficiency of the standard Dijkstra's algorithm for the problem. A combination of these techniques is especially effective.
It allows answering queries on road networks with 20 to 30 million vertices (e.g., North America, Western Europe) while
visiting a few thousand vertices in the worst case and less than a thousand on the average. We also state several open
problems related to efficiency of our algorithms.
What is the True Exponent for
NP-hard Problems?
Preliminary list of topics:
1. Algorithms (upper bounds).
2. Lower bounds.
3. Structural questions.
4. Hardness as a resource.
One-way Function Based on
an Average-Case Assumption
We assume
the existence of function f that is computable in
polynomial time but its inverse function is not computable in randomized
average polynomial time. The cryptographic setting is, however, different.
Nevertheless, we show how to construct one way function based on f.
Nearest Neighbors:
Known Theoretical Results and Open Problems
Nearest neighbors problem
is formulated as follows: Given a set S
of points in some space V (equipped with similarity function),
construct a data structure which given any query point q from V
finds the closest point in S to q. This kind of search problems
arise in many areas: pattern recognition, recommendation systems,
text classification, data compression, coding theory, computational
In the first part we quickly survey known results for this problem.
In particular, we discuss (1) black-box model: search space is represented
by an oracle that returns a similarity value for any pair of points;
and (2) vector model: all points belong to high-dimesional euclidian
space. We consider the best known results for worst case complexity,
average case complexity as well as known lower bounds. In the second
part of the talk a list of open problems will be presented.
Embeddings of Finite Metric Spaces
We will talk
about low distortion embeddings of finite metric spaces
into normed spaces and their applications to computer science. We will
describe the connection between the Banach space l1
and combinatorial
optimization problems. Then we will prove Bourgain's theorem: Every
metric space of size n embeds into l1 with distortion
log n. In the second part of the talk, we will discuss recent
results in the area and open questions.
Semidefinite Programming
I will talk about
approximation algorithms based on Semidefinite Programming (SDP).
I will present the general framework and describe
the approximation algorithm by Goemans and Williamson for
the MAX CUT problem. Then I will say a couple of words about
the connection with the theory of low distortion metric
embeddings. Finally, we will discuss the Unique Games Conjecture
and whether SDP is "the best method"
for solving combinatorial optimization problems.
Recent Results on
Time Hierarchies
According to
Time Hierarchy theorem, there are computational problems that
have really odd time complexity. For example, there is a language
recognizable by a deterministic algorithm in time O(n100),
and this upper
time bound is close to optimal. Still, no time hierarchy theorem is known
for probabilistic algorithms: are there languages recognizable by randomized
algorithms in time O(n100) but not in linear time?
In this talk, we will overview recent results on time hierarchies for
randomized heuristic algorithms and slightly non-uniform probabilistic
Perceptrons of Large Weight
A perceptron
of order d is a depth-2 circuit having
a threshold gate at the top level and
ANDs of fanin d on the remaining level.
We prove lower bounds for weights of perceptrons of constant
order, which match the known upper bounds.
Grand Challenges
of Proof Complexity Are major open problems in
Complexity Theory like "does NP lie in P/poly ?" or
"does P lie in NC1/poly ?" independent from
systems of Bounded Arithmetic? Do they possess efficient propositional
These lectures will be centered around
a set of questions that can be
loosely described as follows:
Complexity of Changing
Matrix Rank
The number of
entries in a matrix that needs to be changed to bring
down the rank below a specified value is the rigidity of a matrix. Matrices
with high rigidity have interesting applications in the theory of
lowerbounds: mainly in arithmetic circuits and in communication complexity.
The talk will briefly mention these results, and the attempts at proving
lower bounds on rigidity. We will mainly look into the computational version
of matrix rigidity: given a matrix M and numbers r,k, decide whether the rank
of M can be brought to below r by changing at most k entries of M. This has
close connections to the well-studied MINRANK problem. We will present some
of our results and open ends concerning this problem and its close variants.
On-line Randomness
Consider a sequence of
(presumably) fair coin tosses that are
interleaved with other events (with no probability distribution),
like coin tosses before the football games interleaved with the game
results. How should we define random bit sequences in this case?
Usually we require the sequence of bit to have maximal complexity,
but here we should distinguish between two radically different cases:
when the next bit is correlated with the previous game (bad) and the
following game (allowed). This cannot be easily expressed in terms of
standard Kolmogorov complexity. We discuss the appropriate notion of
on-line complexity, on-line Martin-Löf randomness and on-line
martingale, and the relation of these notions to tests of randomness
(in the sense of Sandroni, Vovk a.o.)
On the Computational Power
of Restricted k-OBDDs
The well-known classical result
of David M. Barrington (1986)
shows that the class of functions, which can be computed by circuits
of logarithmic depth (NC^1) is equal to the class of functions
computable by branching programs of constant width and polynomial
length (BWBP).
Here we describe in more detail the structure of branching
programs generated by the Barrington's method. In particular we
prove that width-5 k-OBDDs of polynomial size can compute exactly
those functions in NC1. Formally it can be stated that
poly(n)-OBDD5 = NC1.
The workshop consists of invited lectures of two types: tutorials and single talks. Topics include various fields of complexity theory, i. e., computational, Kolmogorov and proof complexity, combinatorial optimization, quantum computing, etc. Some other topics in theoretical computer science will be touched.
The workshop is organized by the French-Russian Poncelet Laboratory and Moscow State University (in particular, Kolmogorov seminar group), and partially supported by Russian Foundation for Basic Research. It will be held in Independent University of Moscow (close to the center of the city), in room 310.
Note that the workshop is scheduled on the week preceding that of CSR 2007. So if you are coming to CSR 2007 anyway, consider the option of staying an extra couple of days in Moscow and attend our workshop.
Please inform everybody who is likely to be interested in this workshop. Poster in ps and pdf formats is available.
Do not hesitate to send any further questions and comments to
© 2006—2007 Kolmogorov seminar