Zeta functionsDecember 1-5, 2008, Moscow, Russia |
Zeta functionsFIRST ANNOUNCEMENTThe French-Russian Poncelet Laboratory and the Luminy Mathematical Institute organize a second conference on "Zeta functions", December 1-5, 2008, to take place in the Independent University of Moscow The Riemann zeta function is the basic example of a family of functions arising in many mathematical fields : number theory, algebraic geometry, group theory, graph theory, dynamical systems, partial differential equations... The study of zeta functions is transversal to the traditional subdivision into mathematical disciplines ; algebra, analysis, topology, geometry, combinatorics are all needed to resolve the arising problems. The most famous mathematical enigma, the Riemann hypothesis, generalized to many zeta functions, is the key to numerous mathematical questions. The focus of the conference will be on the most recent advances in zeta functions. We hope to help the specialists in remote fields, linked by the use of zeta functions, to exchange their experience. Go to the Laboratoire Poncelet home page. |