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Contest «Young Russian Mathematics »

Rules and comments


The contest is targeted to young Russian mathematicians.

The aim of the contest is to support the mathematical sciences in the Russian Federation by

Programs of the contest

The contest is organized within the framework of the two following Programs:


Participants in the contest can be:


The competitors provide a research statement accompanied by other documents listed in the  Application section below. The Jury sends the whole package to appropriate reviewers.

The winners of the competition are chosen by the Jury no later than December 31of the current year. The choice will be based on a discussion of the proposal by the Jury, based in turn on the peer reviews collected. The deadline to submit the application is the 15th of October of the current year.


Winners of the Contest are those participants whose projects obtain the most votes of the Jury members.

As a rule the number of winners of the contest is

The number of winners in each of the subprograms (candidates or doctors) are not fixed.

The winners are awarded

The actual payment of the stipends occurs once every three months according to the following scheme:

ž        stipend for January-March, no later than April 15;

ž        stipend for April-June, no later than July 15;

ž        stipend for July-September, no later than October 15; s

ž        stipend for October-December, no later than December 31 of the year during which the stipend is paid.

Payment Conditions of the Stipends

All the papers submitted by the grantee during the grant period should have a reference that it was partly funded by the contest «Young Russian Mathematics ».

The Jury

The Jury for the Contest is chosen specially for this contest and is independent from any university or other institution.

The Jury consists of two Co-Chairmen, two Vice-Chairmen, one scientific secretary and numerous experts. The Jury can be enlarged via a unanimous decision of its members provided that at least a quarter of the Jury is present. To deal with technical matters a secretary should be hired to do this job for a salary.

The Jury members

Pierre Deligne (Co-Chairman)

Victor Vassiliev (Co-Chairman)

Valeriy Beloshapka

Victor Buchstaber

Alexander Bulinskiy

Yurii Burman

Boris Feigin (Vice-Chairman)

Alexey Gorodentsev

Sabir Gussein-Zade

Yuliy Ilyashenko (Vice-Chairman)

Vadim Kaloshin

Alexander Khelemskiy

Askold Khovanski

Valeriy Kozlov

Sergey Lando

Segrey Matveev

Sergey Natanzon

Alexander Nazarov

Stefan Nemirovsky

Leonid Pastur

Lidiya Ryabova

Armen Sergeev

Alexander Shen (scientific secretary)

Leonid Shilnikov

Albert Shiryaev

Eugine Stepanov

Iskander Taimanov

Irog Temkin

Dmitry Treshchev

Michail Tsfasman

Anatoly Vershik

Ernest Vinberg

Mikhail Zelikin



The Jury should receive all the necessary documents till the 15th of October. The contest is normally held in December; the winners start receiving their stipends in January of the next year.

The checklist of documents to be included in the application package

1.     Summary — 1 page.

2.     Research statement — no more than 5 pages + bibliography (unlimited).

3.     Short CV (no publications included) — 1 page

4.     List of publications.

5.     List of three potential recommenders.

The recommenders should be mathematicians familiar with the participant and/or with his work and willing to write a recommendation.

6.     Recommendation of the scientific advisor (optional).

7.     Reprints of papers.

The list of publications (item 4) may also contain other papers.

8.     List of the other scientific grants of the applicant.


The whole package must be presented

and also

The e-mail letter with the application must be of the special form indicated at the Russian version of this page.


These comments are not a part of the rules of the Contest. Their aim is to answer to the most frequent questions of the participants, in order to facilitate the application process.

Research Statement and Summary

The Research Statement should consist of three sections:

1.     Previous research.

2.     Research project.

3.     Teaching experience and plans (optional).

It should be addressed to a broad range of experts in the field where the applicant works and in adjacent fields. The Previous research section should contain rigorous formulations of the results already obtained; the Research project section should also contain the most precise formulations available of some of the expected results. In the intermediate cases (e.g. the result is obtained, and a seminar talk has been made, but the result is not published, or published without proof, or accepted for publication, etc.) the result can be inculded in any section of the project, provided its status is made clear.

The Summary should contain a survey of the same information but without any formulas. It should be addressed to a broad mathematical audience.

List of potential recommenders

Potential recommenders, as a rule, should be mathematicians acquainted with the applicant personally or knowing his/her work. It is assumed that the potential recommenders agreed to review the project. If necessary, the jury may ask a person not in the list to be a recommender, too.


It is not assumed that the application package includes reprints of all the published works by the participant. Only papers thought to be important for project assessment must be supplied. (The list of publications can include other papers, too.) If a reprint is not available then a photocopy will suffice. By permission of the jury (ask at pdc AT mccme.ru) some papers can be sent in electronic version only.

Electronic submission of the application

The jury expects to use Internet actively to communicate with contest participants, recommenders, etc. So we ask to send all the electronic versions of papers in case they exist or can be obtained by the author. If an electronic version is not available please point this out explicitly (in the list of publications or in a separate letter).Electronic addresses of potential recommenders are vital.

Please use TeX, PostScript or PDF formats for all the files in your submission. Every electronic document from the checklist above should be put in a separate file.

Information distribution

The information about the Contest will be distributed via Internet. The contest site will contain the texts of all project summaries and lists of publications by the applicants. If you agree to publish other information about your project (full text of the project, your CV, texts of the papers, etc.) please let us know.

Applied research

There is no clear boundary between mathematics and its applications. Despite this the jury will primarily assess the mathematical achievements of the project and not its practical applicability.