The goal of the course is to give a complete mathematical description of Shor's algorithm which factors an N digit integer in O(NNlog(N)log(log(N))) steps on a quantum computer.
May 4, 17h30-19h, IUM 304
I will describe each~Z step in Shor's algorithm. For those who could not attempt a previous course, the prerequisites to understand this last lecture are explained in the second and third set of notes (attached to this message). Everyone is welcome.
April 27, 17h30-19h, IUM 304
I will give the mathematical definition of a quantum-measurement (in terms of orthogonal projectors), recall the Fourier transform on cyclic groups, and explain how they are used in Shor's algorithm.
Attached is a first set of notes.
March, 23, 17h30-19h, IUM 304
(there will be no course March, 16)
I will give the mathematical definitions of a~Z quantum-memory (in terms of
tensor products), of a quantum-computation (in terms of unitary transformations),
and of a quantum-measurement (in terms of orthogonal projectors),
used in Shor's algorithm.
Everyone is welcome.
February 23, 17h30-19h, IUM 304. 1) I will finish to explain how the problem of factoring an integer N reduces to the problem of finding the period of a function. Namely why the reduction procedure explained in the first lecture works with probability at least 1/2 (assuming N is odd~Z and not a prime power).
2) I will give the mathematical definitions of quantum-bit, quantum-memory, and quantum-computation, used in Shor's algorithm.
Everyone is welcome.
February 16, 17h30-19h, IUM 304
I will explain how the problem of factoring an integer reduces to the problem of finding the period of a function. This is the first step in Shor's algorithm. It relies only on elementary arithmetic.
Everyone is welcome.