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Marc Hindry
гость лаборатории Понселе
Diophantine Geometry (Диофантова геометрия)
курс начнется в начале марта и читаться будет на английском
The purpose of the course is to introduce basic tools
from algebraic geometry (abelian varieties, line bundles, etc) and
algebraic number theory (heights) used in Diophantine Geometry
and apply to describe classical theorems of Mordell-Weil :
"the group of rational points of an abelian variety is finitely generated"
Faltings : "the set ot rational point of a subvariety of an abelian
variety is not
Zariski dense (outside trivial cases)"
Geometry of curves and algebraic geometry
- Heights (Weil, Nron-Tate, Arakelov)
- Mordell-Weil theorem
- Faltings theorems (sketch)
Lang : Fundamentals of Diophantine Geometry, Springer 1983.
- Serre : Lectures on the Mordell-Weil theorem, Vieweg 1989.
- Hindry-Silverman : Diophantine Geometry: an Introduction, Springer 2000.
- Bombieri-Gubler : Heights in Diophantine Geometry, Cambridge
University Press 2006.