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IUM general seminar “Globus“ (archive)
edition of colloquium talks for students (a predecessor of
Globus seminar)
- May 29, 2008
A.Skopenkov (IUM, MSU)
Knotting of threefolds and fourfolds
- April 17, 2008
V.Ovsienko (CNRS, Lyon, France)
Lie antialgebras
- March 27, 2008
A.I.Bufetov (IUM, Rice University)
Flows on surfaces and special flows over Vershik automorphisms.
- February 28, 2008
A.B.Pomanskiy (Institute of financial studies)
Structure of solutions of portfolio problems.
- January 17, 2008
P.Deligne (IAS)
Should l-adic sheaves over a variety over a finite field be of
geometric origin?
- November 8, 2007
(Steklov Institute, St. Petersburg)
What's new in the theory of metric spaces?
- September 20, 2007
(Purdue University, USA)
What is mathematical psychology
- August 30, 2007
Andrei Okounkov
(Princeton University)
Faces of crystals and algebraic curves
- June 28, 2007
(University of Michigan)
Catalan numbers and root systems
- May 17, 2007
(University of Illinois at Chicago)
Superrigidity and generalized Weyl groups
- April 26, 2007
What is quantum functional analysis?
- February 15, 2007
(Poncelet lab and ENS-Lyon)
On Kelinian groups ans Alfors' conjecture
- O.Hudaverdian
(The University of Manchester)
From Berezinians to Kolmogorov-Gel'fand theory and to generalized
symmetric powers
- December 21, 2006
Stephane Gaubert
(INRIA, France)
Topics in max-plus or tropical spectral theory
- December 14, 2006
Dmitry Orlov
(Steklov Institute, Moscow)
Mirror symmetry from the mathematical viewpoint, Landau-Ginzburg
models, and D-branes
- November 02, 2006
Alexander Komech
(Moscow state University)
Nonlinear Hamiltonian PDE and quantum mechanics
- October 10, 2006
Vadim Kaimanovich
(International University of Bremen)
Ergodic properties of boundary actions
- October 10, 2006
Andrei Toom
(University of Pernambuco, Brasil)
Every Continuous Operator Has An Invariant Measure
- September 22, 2006
Alexander Smirnov
(Steklov Institute, St. Petersburg)
Riemann-Roch theorem for cohomological operations
- June 22, 2006
Alexander Shnirelman
(Concordia University, Montreal, Canada)
The paradox of 2-dimensional fluid
- June 15, 2006
Herman Gluck
(University of Pennsylvania)
The full converse to the four vertex theorem
- June 1, 2006
Valentin Ovsienko
(CNRS, Lyon)
Looped cotangent Virasoro algebra and non-linear integrable
systems in dimension 2+1
- May 25, 2006
(Penn State, Caltech)
Non-local instability in the plane three-body problem
- March 2, 2006
(University of Chicago)
Determinant of cohomology and microlocalization
- February 23, 2006
(Valenciennes University)
Quantum matrix algebras in non-commutative geometry
- February 2, 2006
(Chelyabinsk state university)
Roots of 3-dimensional geometric objects
- January 26, 2006
(Moscow State railway University)
Groups and their homology: new results on bhomology of extensions
- January 12, 2006
(McGill University, Montréal)
Lower bounds for spectarl function of Laplace-Beltrami operator
on Riemannian manifolds
- December 22, 2005
Geodesics on regular polyhedra
- November 10, 2005
Grigory Mikhalkin
Some notions and applications of tropical geometry
- October 13,2005
Sergey Tabachnikov
Skew loops, skew branes, totally skew submanifolds
and other curiosities
- October 6, 2005
Semyon Alesker
(Tel-Aviv University)
Theory of valuations on manifolds
- September 22, 2005
S.Merkulov (University of Stockholm)
Graph complexes and deformation quantization
- August 25, 2005
Iterated integrals of modular forms
- June 23, 2005
(Univ. of Toronto)
Computability and computational complexity in dynamics
- June 16, 2005
Alexei Savvateev
(CEMI, NES and ITEP, Moscow;
and CORE, Catholic University of Louvain,
Implementation in strong equilibrium via serial cost sharing
- June 2, 2005
Ya.Sinai (Princeton & Landau Institute)
A new approach towards the analysis of the 3-dimensional
Navier-Stokes system
- May 26, 2005
András Szenes
(Budapest technical university)
Toric reduction amd tropical calculus
- May 19, 2005
Stephan Nemirovski
Multidimensional uniformization
- April 26, 2005
Pierre-Louis Curien (PPS, Universite Denis Diderot Paris,
Games in computer science: a survey.
- March 24, 2005
M.B.Sevryuk (RAS)
Classical mechanics of clusters: hyperangular momenta and
partitions of kinetic energy.
- March 10, 2005
V.I.Danilov (CEMI)
Quantum probabilities and hidden parameters
- February 24, 2005
Oleg Viro (Uppsala)
Lower bounds for the number of solution of enumerative problems
in topology and real algebraic geometry
- February 10, 2005
Michel Balazard (Labaratoire
Nyman's criterion for the Riemann hypothesis
- January 13, 2005
G.Koshevoy (CEMI; Labaratoire
Crystalline combinatorics
- December 23, 2004
Alexei Skorobogatov (Imperial College, London)
Points on Shimura curves over number fields
- December 16, 2004
Alex Furman
(University Of Chicago)
Equivalence relations, Higher rank lattices and Rigidity
- November 4, 2004
A.Zorich (Université Rennes-1, France)
Irrational windings on flat surfaces, Teichmuellr geodesic flow,
and the "time machine"
- September 23, 2004
Igor Pak (MIT)
Theory of pavings and its applications
- September 16, 2004
A.Toom (Federal University of Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil)
Non-ergodicity in a 1-D particle process with variable length
- September 2, 2004
F.Bogomolov (Steklov Math Institute, Courant Institute of
Mathematical Sciences)
On the geometry of algebraic varieties defined over finite and
arithmetical fields
- September 2, 2004
Yu.Manin (Steklov Math Institute, Max-Planck-Institut für
Fractional dimensions in geometry and algebra
- June 17, 2004
Andrei Zelevinsky (Northeastern University)
An introduction to cluster algebras
- May 27, 2004
Louis Kauffman (Univ. of Illinois, Chicago)
Non-Commutative Worlds
- April 15, 2004
Alexei Glutsuk
Uniformization: fibered versions and a new proof
- April 1, 2004
Martin Schlichenmaier
(University of Luxembourg)
Berezin-Toeplitz deformation quantization of compact
Kahler manifolds
- March 11, 2004
Vadim Kaloshin (Caltech, IAS, and AIM)
Random walks along orbits of chaotic maps
- February 19, 2004
Secondary differential calculus
- February 12, 2004
O.K.Sheinman (IUM and Steklov Math Institute)
Krichever-Novikov algebras and their representations
- January 29, 2004
S.Nechaev (LIFR MIP and IUM)
Probabilistic problems in topology
- January 15, 2004
V.Shokurov (Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore)
Birational geometry and numerical invariants of algebraic varieties.
- December 11, 2003
Maxim Kazaian (IUM)
Thom polynomials in enumerative problems of multisingularities.
- November 20, 2003
Maxim Kontsevich (IHES)
Integer affine structures and non-archimedean geometry
- November 13, 2003
Laurent lafforgue (IHES)
A geometric approach to the "fundamental lemma" (after
Laumon-Goresky, Kottwitz, and MacPherson). This lecture will be
followed by a crash course (on November 18, 20, 25, and 27).
- October 30, 2003
Gilles Lachaud (Institut des math. de Luminy - CNRS)
Sails and Klein Polyhedra
- October 24, 2003
Victor Ivrii (University of Toronto)
Sharp spectral asymptotics for operators with irregular coefficients
- October 2, 2003
A.S.Losev (ITEP)
Homotopy algebras, topologicla strings, and problems of
theoretical physics
- September 25, 2003
V.Batyrev (University of Tübingen)
Toric residues in mirror symmetry
- August 28, 2003
Yu.I.Manin (Max-Planck-Institut für Mathematik)
Georg Cantor and the XXth century
- June 18, 2003
E.B.Dynkin (Cornell University)
Probability and analysis
- June 13, 2003
D.Fuchs (University of California at Davis)
Knots in contact geometry
- June 12, 2003
Leonid Levin (University of California at Davis)
Randomness and non-determinism
- May 22,2003
Bernhard Keller (Paris-7)
Hochschild cohomology and derived Picard groups
(An abstract in English
is available.)
- May 15, 2003
O.Schwarzman (IUM)
Chevalley theorem: 50 years after
- April 17, 2003
A.Belavin (Landau Institute; IUM)
Bootstrap approach to the conformal and integrable quantum field theories
- April 10, 2003
L.Lafforgue (IHES)
Introduction to endoscopy
- April 4, 2003
G.Olshanskiy (IITP)
Harmonic analysis on the infinite-dimensional unitary group
- March 27, 2003
A.Borodin (CalTech)
Random permutations, random words, and Painlevé difference
- March 13, 2003
V.Danilov (CEMI)
Horn problem and discrete convexity
- March 7, 2003
Olivier Mathieu (Institut Girard Desargues, Lyon)
Connections on stable bundles
abstract in English is
- March 6, 2003
S.Artemov (MSU; CUNY Graduate Center, New York)
Can the classical mathematics think intuitionistically?
- February 27, 2003
A.Alexeevskiy (MSU)
How to read the genome?
- February 20, 2003
Jan Stienstra (Mathematisch Instituut Universiteit Utrecht)
L-functions, Mahler measures, Yukawa coupling, modular forms
(An abstract in
English is available.)
- February 13, 2003
A.Rybko (IITP)
Poisson conjecture for big symmetric communication networks
- January 16, 2003
V.Schechtman (Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse)
Vertex algebras related to algebraic varieties
- December 26, 2002
V.Serganova (Univ. of California, Berkeley)
Local;isation theorem and method of orbits for Lie superalgebras
- December 19, 2002
S.Orevkov (Steklov Math Institutute, Moscow; Univesité Paul Sabatier, Toulouse)
Real algebraic and pseudoholomorphic plane curves
- December 5, 2002
Nash equilibrium
- November 14, 2002
L.Lafforgue (IHES)
Grassmannians and convexity
- October 31, 2002
M.Finkelberg (IUM)
Uhlenbeck compactifications and affine Lie algebras
- October 10, 2002
G.Litvinov (IUM)
Dequantization of mathematics and introduction to idepotent
- September 26, 2002
Val.Schechtman (IUM; ITTP)
Spatial modal logics
- September 12, 2002
R.Minlos (IUM; ITTP)
Quantization according to Feynman
- August 29, 2002
S.Vladuts (Marseille)
From main theorem of arithmetics to infinite global fields
- July 4, 2002
M. Moussaoui (Ecole Centrale de Lyon)
Sums of Operators and Boundary-Value problems
(An abstract in English
is available.)
- May 30, 2002
Pierre Schapira (joint work with M. Kashiwara)
Ind-sheaves and Grothendieck topologies for the analysts
(An abstract in English
is available.)
- May 23, 2002
Svetlana Katok (Penn State University)
Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Matrices of Seocnd order
- April 25, 26, and 29, 2002
P.Deligne (Princeton)
Report on Multizeta Values
(An abstract in English
is available.)
- April 11, 2002
V.Buchstaber (MSU)
Lie algebra of polysymmetric vector fields and algebraic
varieties of polysymmetric polynomials
- March 28, 2002
M.Tsfasman (Institut de mathéiques de Luminy; IITP,
Moscow; IUM)
Geometry over finite fields
- March 14, 2002
Galois srepresentations of p-adic fields
- February 21, 2002
Representation theory in convex and integral geometries
- February 14, 2002
A.Sossinsky (IUM)
Can the Poincaré conjecture be false?
- January 24, 2002
A.N.Parshin (Steklov Math Institute)
Local constructions in algebraic geometry
- December 13, 2001
Spetra of operators on groups and Atyiah problem on L^2 Betti
- November 25, 2001
S.Gussein-Zade (IUM; MSU)
On motivic integration and its analogs.
- November 15, 2001
S.Shlosman (CNRS; IITP)
Geometric variational problems of combinatorics and statistical
- October 18, 2001
A.G.Sergeev (Steklov Math Institute)
Abrikosov strings and Seiberg-Witten equations
- August 30, 2001
S.Novikov (Steklov Institute, Univ. of Maryland)
Geometry of Poisson structures
- May 31, 2001
S.Gindikin (Rutgers University)
Integral geometry: on the borderline between analysis and geometry
- April 26, 2001
A.Khovansky (University of Toronto, IUM)
Arnold's problem on hyperbolic hypersurfaces in projective spaces
- April 19, 2001
V.Buchstaber (MSU)
Symmetric polynomials of several vectorial arguments: classical
problems and modern applications
- Match 29, 2001
A.Vershik (POMI)
Limit theorems for typical geometric configurations and their
- March 22, 2001
D.Leites (University of Stockholm)
Why an engineer or a banker should compute Lie algebra
(An abstract in English is available).
- March 15, 2001
S.Dobrokhotov (MSU)
From Maslov algebra of
singular solutions of quasilinear hyperbolic systems to Hill
equations and realistic models of the typhoon.
- March 1, 2001
A.Beilinson (University of Chicago)
Determinant of the de Rham cohomology of curves.
- February 22, 2001
Yu.Neretin (IUM)
Fractional diffusion, the diffeomorphism group of the circle, and
loop groups.
- February 1, 2001
E.Vinberg (MSU)
Radon transform of symmetric spaces.
- January 11, 2001
V.Nikulin (Steklov Institute, Moscow)
Classification of Lorentzian Katz-Moody algebras of rank 3.
- December 28, 2000
Yu.Zarhin (Penn State University)
Hodge and Weil classes on
abelian varieties.
- December 21, 2000
Nicolas Nadirashvili (University of Chicago; IITP, Moscow)
Mean values and
harmonic functions.
- December 14, 2000
A.Khovansky (Univ. of Totronto; IUM)
Systems of algebraic
equations with common Newton polyhedra.
- November 16, 2000
A.Khelemsky (MSU)
Flat modules and
harmonic analysis on groups.
(Notes in Russian
are available.)
- November 2, 2000
V.Maslov (MSU)
Quantization of thermodynamics
- October 26, 2000
S.Lando (IUM)
Invariants of graphs
related to Vassiliev invariants of knots.
- October 12, 2000
A.Bolibrukh (Steklov Math Institute)
Riemann-Hilbert problem
on compact riemann surfaces.
- September 28, 2000
V.Arnold (Université; Steklov Math Institute)
- September 14, 2000
A.Zelevinski (Northeastern
University, Boston, USA)
Littlewood-Richardson coefficients, caonical bases, and total
- September 11, 2000
Yu.Manin (Max-Planck-Institut, Bonn)
Mordell-Weil problem for
cubic surfaces.
- September 7, 2000
S.Gelfand (IITP and American
Mathematical Society)
On the number of
solutions of quadratic equations.
- June 7, 2000
Ya.Sinai (Princeton)
Dynamics of the
adiabatic piston.
- May 29, 2000
Yu.Manin (Max-Planck-Institut, Bonn)
Noncommutative geometry and quantum theta functions. Lecture
notes in Russian are available.
- May 18, 2000
V.Ivrii (Univ. of Toronto)
All this began with Weyl...
- May 4, 2000
M.Tsfasman (Institut de mathéiques de Luminy; IITP,
Moscow; IUM)
Algebraic geometry and number
theory in the problem of sphere packings. Lecture
notes in Russian are available.
- April 16, 2000
B.Feigin (IUM)
Vertex algebras and
their applications in algebraic geometry.Lecture
notes in Russian are available.
- April 4, 2000
V.Vassiliev (IUM)
Ramified integrals
an Picard-Lefschetz theory.
- March 23, 2000
O.Bogoyavlensky (Steklov Math Institute; Queen's University of
Kingstone, Canada)
Diophantine equations and
problems of analysis appearing in the theory of astrophysical jets.
- March 16, 2000
Yu.S.Ilyashenko (IUM; MSU)
A hundred years
of Hilbert's sixteenth problem (on limit cycles).
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